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Top 5 Things for HVAC Facebook Marketing

Top 5 Things for HVAC Facebook Marketing Facebook marketing DaGama HVAC Digital Marketing

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These top 5 things for HVAC Facebook Marketing are extremely important to do. Facebook continues to be the virtual “camp fire” that friends and family gather around every day. In fact, one recent study reported that Americans spend about 2 hours a day on social media, with 33 minutes a day on Facebook. So, then, if your HVAC company doesn’t have a Facebook presence and your competitors do, you should seriously consider creating the right strategy. Use this checklist to help you make some important time-saving and money-generating decisions.

Top 5 Things for HVAC Facebook Marketing

  1. Decide on the strategy. Will you use Facebook to increase awareness of your business with local people? Or create a leads generation strategy or do both? Just being aware that you CAN generate leads with people in Facebook gives you an edge. You may need to hire a Facebook Ads Specialist to manage this. –Unless you want to spend a lot of time learning how to do the technical and strategic aspects yourself. If you have experience running Google Ads, then you’ll probably be able to more quickly learn how to manage Facebook Ad Campaigns. Otherwise, you can still grow Page Likes, reach more local people and engage with them by doing what are called “Boosts” of posts. You pay Facebook $10 or $25 or whatever amount you choose and schedule the spending over 4-7 days or longer, instead of spending your budget all in one day. Why? There are some people who might not see your post if it only appears in one day. Choose already popular posts to boost.
  2. Decide on your content theme. Everything you share should make sense and NOT be confusing. Don’t share photos of cute puppies. But you could share behind-the-scenes content and photos now and then of your dog if you bring your dog into the office every day. Don’t share memes unless you’re absolutely sure your page followers will laugh with you and NOT feel laughed at. Do share a weekly or daily tip in a quick 60-second video you can do with your phone. Job-site videos done by your techs can build your business because people can see the results of your work.

    The challenge is in deciding what to share

    There are many possibilities of what to share. The challenge is in narrowing it down and then doing it consistently. You can experiment and then check your Facebook Insights to see what’s popular and what’s not so popular. Generally speaking, if you follow the “rule of thirds,” according to Hootsuite, you’ll do fine. One-third of your content should share ideas and stories, one-third of your content should involve personal interactions with your followers and the rest of your content can promote your business.

  3. If you decide to use Facebook’s Lead Generation Ad Campaign strategy, you’ll need to experiment to see what offers end up being the most popular. Make a minor adjustment each time you do a test run. If you change too many things, you won’t know what’s failing to get the leads form filled out.
  4. Post at the most popular times in Facebook: before people get ready for work – which is usually when they wake up: 6:30 a.m. and also during lunch: 12:15 p.m. and in the late evening – when kids have been put to bed and many people are chilling out watching TV and also have Facebook open on their phones.
  5. Experiment with Facebook Messenger. You can set up a chatbot to automatically reply to questions. Your leads will feel taken care of because the chatbot responds immediately. And, of course there should be an actual human being monitoring your page. Then, when you do get a lead, you can schedule their appointment right away.

If you don’t have time to learn and apply these Top 5 Things for HVAC Facebook Marketing, schedule a strategy session or a quick Discovery Call with us. We’ve been doing this for many locally-owned companies, including HVAC. We’d be honored to help you. Schedule an appointment now. 

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